Consider this…

Business Coach or Life Coach

Investing in your own life coach or business coach is like having a perfect partner.

Firstly, see your coach as your catalyst to achieving the results you want. So, let’s get you to where you want to be. As a result, you can achieve more – and more easily. Most importantly, how would you feel if you were more successful?

The reason is that your coach can help you to reveal and optimise your true talents. We all think we know ourselves. Even so, we do … but only up to a point; there is usually much more to learn. Furthermore, once you know more about yourself, you can then define better goals that allow you to be your best. After that, options are explored so that you can choose the best route to your goal. Therefore your coach will help you to create a clear plan. He or she will support you, helping you to stay on track.

You too can be a Champion!

Can you name a top sportsperson who achieves success without a coach? Champions know the value of having a collaborative partner who has no other agenda apart from your success and happiness. Similarly, winners appreciate someone who can point out what they can’t see, someone who encourages and challenges them.
So you too can benefit in the same way. Having your own coach can enable you to move further than you ever felt possible.

Finally, ask yourself, what is it costing me emotionally or financially NOT to have a life or business coach now?

Gérard Jakimavičius Life Coach Associates

Business Coach

Gérard Jakimavičius

We Offer Experienced & Skilled Coaching

At a fair price and help you get great results!


We offer a variety of services:


Great Leaders understand their target customers better. You can then gain a clear business advantage over your competitors.

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Having an experienced Mentor or Business Coach can improve clarity, control and success for any SME.

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Why spend your precious money investing inBusiness Coaching? Even if you have run your own business before, a new start up can be daunting.

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Most of us wish we could plan and attain more goals. That desire is within us throughout our lives, and even if the goals change over our lifetime

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Some people are “lucky” (or maybe smarter) to have a job and career that they absolutely love. But too many people have a job that they dislike.

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Some people recognise that their Time Management is not great, whilst others believe theirs is fine.

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Supporting clients since


Satisfied Clients


Countries served


Core services (see above)


What are our clients are saying about us?

Sports Medical Consultant

“Initially I used Gérard to help me set up my consultancy business. His remit was far-reaching in terms of the full business plan and its initial implementation. My obstacles were related to business direction, marketing, and commercial and personnel options to consider. It felt like a good old heart to heart, but was so much more. Yet the process through which he takes you is logical, thorough, and productive.”

Organisational and Personal Development Consultant

“Horribly simple, yet terribly effective! Firstly coaching helped me see what I had in me – when I couldn’t. I felt I had a strong player on my side – very reassuring.In addition the service was confidential, unbiased, and always positive; whilst the approach was a breath of fresh air. From a very stuck position a whole new dimension just opened up before me.Amazing! In addition, Gérard is a wild and wacky fellow with a great Lithuanian humour box.”

Leading figure in the Travel Industry

“My weekly sessions enabled me to manage a very difficult period in my working life. I had been resisting change; although change was subsequently seen to be inevitable.So his coaching helped me to come to terms with it, to learn from it and to grow through it.”

One of the UK’s most experienced coaches

“Gerard is a warm, thoughtful, supportive coach who listens well and intelligently. In addition he is an excellent sounding board and brainstormer. Not only does he hear what you have said, he contributes to you and encourages you to expand your concepts. Finally, you really believe that Gerard has the strength to hold you up whilst you reach for the highest branches.

MD of a £4m turnover (and growing) UK company

“I can’t imagine not having shared this with you – its been a journey and we are on the right track! Thanks for everything, it means the world to me to know you are there. We can laugh, cry and ultimately think our way through this. In conclusion, you are indeed the best sort of coach (and friend) anyone could wish for.”

A leading figure in Premiership Football

“Thanks for your help Gerard, not just on this occasion, but for all the times you have supported me over the years. Don’t be surprised if I come knocking fairly soon with another challenge.”


LCA is the longest established professional coaching company in the UK and Europe

Life Coach Associates is principally me … Gérard Jakimavicius, but I call in other carefully selected coaches when required for specific situations and when it is appropriate to use a coach more local to a client.

LCA is the longest established professional coaching company in the UK and Europe. Nevertheless we are not complacent – and are forever striving to develop and improve our services.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our work and the strength of the relationships we have with our clients.

Finally our clients benefit because we always seek to have affordable, fair and equitable pricing.

Listening carefully to our past, existing and potential customers is vital to how we believe a strong business should be run. As a result, we offer variety of flexible options. This flexibility encompasses:

  • Format : face-to-face / phone / Skype / Zoom / WhatsApp / MS Teams
  • Frequency : weekly, fortnightly, monthly or whatever you choose
  • Duration : 30 mins, 45 mins, 60 mins or 90 mins
  • Style : pure coaching, mentoring, advising and sounding board
  • Whichever feels right for you, is probably right! If you are not sure I can guide you.

To find out more about us [CONTACT US]

Optimizing every area of your business!

Investing in your own life coach or business coach is like having a perfect partner


To arrange a consultation, send us a message

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